Blog - Debt Consolidation

Blog - Debt Consolidation

3 Good Things About Debt Review

Debt review has been instrumental in helping responsible customers who wish to repay their debts but are in difficult financial situations. It provides individuals who are overly indebted to restructure their debt repayment plans. If you are overwhelmed with stress and uncertainty that’s associated with being in debt, here are 3 good things about debt…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | CreditCard2

Stop Using Your Credit Card To Buy Groceries!

Is it time that you discovered the benefits of a debt review? Money is tight, especially as the end of the month draws near, and yet you and the children have to be fed. There’s no other choice except to use your credit card to buy the groceries and the other essentials of everyday life.…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | NCR-debt-counsellor

3 Reasons Why You Need A NCR Debt Counsellor

More and more consumers in South Africa are turning to NCR registered counsellors to help them with their debt problems—all for good reasons. In the current economic climate in South Africa, many people are struggling to cope up with debt. The same debt that was simple to manage in the previous years is becoming too…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | Get-Out-of-Debt

Is Debt Review A Good Idea?

The National Credit Act introduced the process of Debt Review in the year 2007, so that NCR debt counsellors could help people in paying off their debts in a methodical way. This act is really helpful to protect indebted consumers from their creditors. Debt counselling has become the need of the hour with so many…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | life-after-debt

Is There Life After Debt?

NCR debt counsellors claim that there definitely is life after debt and they are more than happy to help your reach that goal! If you struggling to get out of debt, then they are the professionals you need to contact. The Debt Trap According to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) which is an…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | lifesaver.j

A Debt Review Can Be A Lifesaver!

Have you ever heard of debt review? Well, if you are struggling with your monthly payments and debt is slowly choking you, it is probably what you will need. And you are not alone in it! Countless people are considering debt counselling to get some relief from crushing debts as well as prevent any legal…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | NCR-Logo

3 Great Things About NCR Debt Counsellors

Nowadays, more and more people are consulting NCR debt counsellors in South Africa when they are in debt and need the help of an expert to help them to make a plan to pay off their debts. Are you facing a similar challenge? When a person is in debt, they are tense and due to…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | Clear-debt.

How to Clear Your Debt

Do you desperately need to learn how to clear your debt? Debt can be a heavy burden for anyone, and sometimes it is a lot more difficult to manage than it may seem. If you feel like you are beginning to drown in your debt, then it is time to consider some ways to clear…
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The Benefits of Debt Review

The benefits of debt review can be far reaching, and can transform your life, changing a present filled with worry to a future full of hope. If you’ve run up debts that seem to get bigger by the day, you’re not alone. Credit has been easily available in recent years through store cards, credit cards,…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | debt-repayment

Debt Repayment in South Africa: How Much Can You Save?

How much can you save during your hard times? Seems a tricky question, doesn’t it? Financial predicaments may arise out of nowhere and it is always wise to set aside a percentage of your monthly earnings. If you are deep in debt and you are struggling your way out, you may consider opting for a…
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One Debt | Take The First Step | debt-counsellors

NCR Debt Counsellors

With the continuous increase in debt of South Africans, the role of NCR debt counsellors has become very important. An individual who is in deep debt is bound to be stressed-out and as a result will not be thinking clearly because fear and despair will be the only two things on their mind. Such a…
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