A New Year, a Perfect Time to Improve Your Finances
Why not use the new year as an opportunity to improve your financial health by making –
and keeping – a few resolutions regarding your finances. Ideally, we all want to be healthier,
and wealthier, so making plans for a better future, cutting back on unnecessary expenses
and having a savings plan in place is the way to go.
Tips for your finances
1. Start at the beginning: decide what you want to achieve in 2020, and set goals in order
to help you achieve this.
2. A goal without a plan is just a wish: when you set up a budget, you are making the first
step to achieving your goal. Make a budget, and stick to it.
3. Save: if you haven’t yet learned to save, this is the year you can go from spending to
saving. You can make a start by just spending less, and saving more.
4. Make 2020 the year your debt-free year: Work out what your total debt is and then
decide how and by when you are going to pay it off.
5. Use the 6 month rule: we all have things that we accumulate and no longer use. If you
haven’t needed to use it in the past 6 months, sell it. One man’s junk is another’s treasure.
You’ll find that you will sell your unwanted goods in no time at all.
6. Use your piggy bank: it may sound a bit childish, but put all the loose change you collect
in a piggy bank – an old jar will do. You can use the collected coins at the end of the year as
a reward.
7. Teach your children: good, lifelong habits are learned in childhood. Teach your children
the value of saving to ensure they have tools for a good financial future.
Moving forward
By planning your finances now, you will reap the benefits at the end of the year. Won’t it be
fantastic to congratulate yourself for setting financial goals for 2020, and achieving them?
Speak to One Debt today about how you can improve your finances.