Struggling to Pay Your Debt? There is Help Available
Many South African consumers are feeling the effects of the rising cost of living. As such, many consumers are finding it challenging to meet their monthly financial obligations. The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) stated in its April 2022 report that over 50% of South Africa’s consumers overindebted. That number is staggering. And, given that…
Read MoreUnder Debt Review? What Does This Mean
You may have heard the term ‘debt review’ and wondered what it actually means. The main purpose of debt review is to assist consumers – those who are overindebted – to make debt their repayments, without struggling financially. What is it? Debt Review is a process of handing over your debt negotiations to a Debt…
Read MoreUkunceda Kwikrhadi leCholileyo: Khetha Umbane Ofanelekayo
Izibonelelo zeemfanelo zezeenkcukacha zikho isiqinisekiso sokuba iingxaki zemali zabalulekileyo ezifuneka zixoxwe ngokubanzi. Ukuba awunayo imali yokugcina izikweletu zakho, kungenzeka ukuba ufuna ucinga ngendlela yokuthi ulandele isikhokelo sokuba nomdla emzini wakho. Oku kukunika umdlalo wezezimali ofana nokuba umdla ophambili. Kwedini liphuma elixesha leenkwenkwezi, abasebenzi baseOnedebt bakunceda ukuba uhambe ngezithuba zakho. Kukho abantu abangalunganga abanomdla wokusetyenziswa izikweletu…
Read MoreDebt Counseling: Choosing the Right Partner
The prevalence of debt-related issues is a stark reminder that financial problems need broad discussion. If you’re struggling to meet your debts, you might be considering following the path of debt counseling. This gives a structured approach to financial woes like being in over your head. In these trying times, the professionals at Onedebt can…
Read MoreIs Debt Counselling for Everyone
You’ve heard of the term but are not entirely sure what it is? Debt counselling is a process available in South Africa to help South African consumers regain financial control, repay their debt, and become debt-free. If you find that you are having a battle to make your monthly debt repayments, you can apply for…
Read MoreHow the National Credit Act Can Benefit You
The right credit helps build your credit profile. It is a way in which to purchase goods and services, As an example, you could borrow money to pay for your studies and commit to pay back the amount in the future. However, on the flip side, credit can also leave you overindebted. As such, some…
Read MoreQuick Guide to Debt Counselling
Debt can be a way to help secure one’s financial future. However, it must be used wisely. Unfortunately, many consumers today find themselves unable to repay the debt they have incurred and can be called overindebted. Signs that a person is overindebted: Borrowing from one creditor to pay another Having no emergency fund or savings…
Read MoreSteps to get out of debt
Debt has the potential to create lasting issues. Many consumers find themselves in a never- ending spiral of borrowing more money and landing in yet more debt. Overindebtedness means that a person’s living expenses are higher than the monthly salary he receives. Not spending wisely is a cause. However, there are other factors that play…
Read MoreWhat is the National Credit Act
You might have heard people speaking of the National Credit Act but have no idea what it actually is. Like many people, you assume it is to do with finance and you tend to ignore what you are hearing. However, knowledge is power, and learning more about the NCA and how it can protect you…
Read MoreIs Debt Review a Good Thing
If you are struggling to make ends meet or have a challenging time meeting your debt repayments, it is likely that you are over-indebted. A person who is over-indebted is one who has more debt than the income they receive. Very many South Africans are over-indebted. Many are lulled by adverts that say ‘buy now,…
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