How Debt Review Can Help You

If your debt management is getting you down, perhaps it is time to turn to debt review. Speak to a debt counsellor before you fall into serious debt. If you are already struggling to pay the bills at the end of every month, debt counselling is crucial. Without proper debt management, your monthly debt will only increase and you will run the risk of having bad credit or even becoming blacklisted or legally pursued. A debt counsellor from One Debt is available to help you set your finances back on track before it is too late.

Debt review is the answer to your financial burdens

When you go under debt review, you don’t have to worry about a pile of bills to work through and pay off. You simply make one affordable payment every month to a payment distribution agency, who then distributes that payment to all your creditors. A debt counsellor will make a proposal to each of your creditors detailing your agreed budget and repayment plan, and will be alerted that you are under debt review. The counsellor will also handle all your communications with your credit providers and manage these interactions for you. When you are under debt review, your instalment amounts may be reduced and your repayment periods may be extended according to your financial situation and capabilities. Under debt review, you are also protected from being blacklisted or legally pursued. Once you feel that your debt is under control and you have a good hold of your financial management, you can cancel the debt review and become unflagged.

How to apply for debt review

If debt review sounds like the most effective solution to your financial problems, sign up with One Debt today. Simply visit our website to fill in our online contact form for debt review. A friendly debt consultant will phone or email you promptly with all the information you need to continue. The application process is quick and simple. We will notify you once your application is confirmed successful and begin the ten step program to get your debt under control. Contact One Debt today for more information about debt review.